Dearest Gentle Reader –
It has been said that every civilization depends upon the quality of the individuals it produces – and nowhere could this be more true than in our educational institutions. And one could deduce that this is dependent on the quality of the relationships that one cultivates with others.
Indeed, the cultivation of relationships is foundational to education and society. So this author has serious doubts about the King’s firm, and rather rabid stance, on personal isolationism from his many subjects. In fact, it has been widely announced that one must not approach the King and instead one must go through a vast hierarchy of veritable lackeys before any issue (or humble personage) may be granted audience with His Royal Meathead (HRM). In fact, to approach the King directly has become such a violation of Royal Protocol, that one must gauge the health of one’s professional career before doing so. Irreparable harm to those that violate these precepts is not out of the realm of possibility. This author wonders if the King’s sequestering has anything to do with the new suit of clothes that is being made especially for him. It has been rumored that it will be a magnificent suit made of magical cloth. The King has been told that this amazing cloth will only be visible to those who are stupid and incompetent, so it must be a fine thing indeed, even though this author will surely be able to see through it. As a result, the King believes that everyone will be able to see this fine cloth.
This discerning author (and others), understands that HRM has now created an impenetrable barricade by which he is the sole arbiter of power, and as such, cannot be trusted to confer or relate items or suggestions to His higher power, the School Bored. However, it could be surmised that the Bored is actually quite happy with this, as they can now attend Bored meetings and be entertained by the choreographed Royal spectacle to which they have become accustomed.
However, this old style chain of command, or might I name it in this case, the yoke of servitude, is ill suited to the sensibilities of today’s society and directly impedes the entire notion of building quality relationships. Society, as a whole, is moving away from the idea of a chain of command in favor of a web of connections. Surely this author’s small contribution to the Kingdom could not exist without such modern tools; but it appears that our King is more interested in control of information, rather than working collaboratively and cultivating relationships amongst his subjects. Why one could surmise that the King’s entire approach is antithetical to sound educational philosophy!
The deepest issue here is that this strictest chain of command is vested in protecting the King and the School Bored from having to deal with the Kingdom’s peonage (i.e. everyone else). Perhaps the King does not understand that his past experiences in vastly larger Kingdoms is not quite the same as ruling over a quite tiny one and that his chain of command is overkill.
Given the ham-handed proclamation concerning the King’s chain of command and its exacerbated punishments, one wonders if His subjects will not ultimately be beaten to death with it behind closed doors while the naked King watches.
Please pass the eyebleach.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistleblower